Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gotta Love Fox News

In this video, news anchors on Fox talk about vice-president Biden's slip of the tongue. I think it's interesting how they mention how this is the only thing that everyone is talking about instead of the health care bill itself. To that I say, "Are you crazy?" Everyone is buzzing with the news that public health care is now being put into affect, and how they feel and what they think about it.

Even stranger is the fact that they rag on Biden so much for his use of language, although this doesn't matter when it comes to a man from their own party: Rush Limbaugh. During the whole drama-fest that happening between Palin, Emmanuel, and Limbaugh with the usage of the words "fucking retards", no one mentioned that Rush is being disrespectful and it is "embarrassing" for him to use such language (but that's what they said about Biden!).

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