Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Did You Know?

Did you know that rats are genetically modified to have excess skin just to test your anti-aging creams?

Did you know that rabbits are constantly blinded by having a vast array of products inserted into their eyes? And did you know that this "test" does not even guarantee safety of a product? It is only used to prevent law suits.

Did you know that there are over 300,000,000 animals born to suffer each day? There are 400,000 human births every day.

Did you know that only 5 to 25% of the animal tests and human results are agreeable?

Did you know that scientifically speaking, there are 400 alternatives to animal experimentation?

Did you know that, on average, thirty-three animals die in a laboratory every second?

Did you know that most animals are only used in one experiment and are euthanized after their "contribution"?

When you buy a product, know the pain that goes into it.

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