Monday, October 19, 2009

Medicare Cost on the Rise

It is predicted that Medicare, what eats up most of our tax dollars, will increase in cost, breaking $100 for the first time next year. Robert Pear, from the New York Times, explained who will be forced to pay more in a very simple fashion:
About 12 million people, or 27 percent of Medicare beneficiaries, will have to pay higher premiums or have the additional amounts paid on their behalf. The other 73 percent will be shielded from the increase because, under federal law, their Medicare premiums cannot go up more than the increase in their Social Security benefits, and Social Security officials announced last week that there would be no increase in benefits in 2010 because inflation had been extremely low.
In a time of economic uncertainty, this will be a hard blow to the seniors in the country who have no way of making any income. So what is there to do? Tax the young, or force the rest from seniors' retirement funds? Action must be taken soon if we don't want to be in the same situation later in life.

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