Japan Finally Got Inflation. Nobody Is Happy About It.
11 months ago
"When we decided to get rid of slavery, we didn't say 'well you know, we're going to free 32 million of the slaves, but 15 million of those slaves are still going to have to be in slavery.' "In fact, we actually did do something very similar, which was to make one African American male the equivalent of three fifths of one White male. You gotta love Michael Moore's radicalism, but he needs to get all of his facts straight if he's going to argue it out.
"What we interrupted Saturday night was both disgusting and disturbing. So many times, we hear about fights after the fact or find the discarded remains of a dog involved in one of these fights."When officers came to intervene, they found a cowering dog that was so injured, it could barely stand in the middle of fighting ring covered in blood. There were about 50 people attending this spectacle. As the court update states:
"They also found a staple gun used to close wounds so the dogs could keep fighting, as well as thick wooden stakes used to drive apart the dogs' jaws after they had locked down on the other dog."This is not only completely and utterly wrong, but it reaches a point of despicableness that can not even be described by the English language.
- to control an animal
- to retaliate against an animal
- to retaliate against another person
- to satisfy a prejudice against a species or breed
- to express anger through an animal
- to enhance one's own aggressiveness
- to shock people for amusement
- to displace hostility from a person to an animal
- to perform non-specific sadism