Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Animal Cruelty Case

Video Courtesy of KSL.com

22-year-old Emilio Hoy was recently arrested on the account of animal cruelty. Police concluded the fact that Hoy held the dog by its tail while repeatedly shooting it at close-range with an Airsoft gun in the testicles. I'm sure many men can sympathize with this poor animal.

Occurrences like these are truly tragic and completely unnecessary. I don't understand how any person can be capable of harming a completely innocent being. What I don't comprehend even more, is why a person would adopt an animal to abuse it. Fortunately, these cases are being cracked one by one and i sincerely hope that less will occur in the future.

Sarah Palin vs Politically Incorrect Names... sort of

As you probably know, Rahm Emanuel recently used the phrase "fucking retarded" when referring to liberal extremists. Sarah Palin was instantly outraged at his incorrect use of the term. However, when Rush Limbaugh agreed with Emanuel and used the same offense multiple times to large audiences, Palin claims it to be satire and was completely at peace. Not only is this a double-standard for politicians that might help her versus other politicians, but Palin is indirectly insulting her own child by claiming it to be all right to call a person or a group of people a politically incorrect word if they "clearly [don't] mean it". So, by Palin's standards, we can all make as many sexist, racist, and homophobic jokes as we please.

My Community Service Project

As you may have seen on my recent post, I plan to volunteer at the SPCA in Berkeley, California. I received an email from the staff there and will be attending orientation tomorrow to plan out the rest of my service at this venue.

Today, upon hearing my plans, my mother asked me if this would count as community service because it has to do with animals. I simply replied that animal cruelty, abuse, and neglect is a serious ongoing problem. Just recently, a man skinned and cooked a live rat on camera to be on a reality TV show. Activists quickly reacted and the show was fined $3,000.

Funny Stuff


Popular rapper, Lil Wayne has been sentenced to prison because of felony gun charges. He requested that the date of imprisonment be moved so he can have some (much needed) dental work done. The judge accepted his claim and he is due to be in jail on March 2, 2010.

Michell Obama Speaks About Health Care

"Doing nothing is not an option." This is the first lady's argument and the title of CNN's recent news article. Michelle claims that we are spending billions of dollars on certain maladies when health care reform could help prevent them in the first place.

Reforming the health care does not only affect different illnesses, but hopefully will help general health, starting with eating right. As being, quite literally, the fattest country in the world, if we get to the root of such a huge epidemic, many medical conditions would not be an issue anymore; and the only way to do this is make sure that everyone has a doctor who can wisely advise them.